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The Church of Saint Nicholas in Kiddington (in older documents called 'Cuddington') was originally built during the Norman conquests, but only the original chancel arch survives from this time. The rest of the church was rebuilt around 1400 in the Decorated Gothic style. The chancel was extended westward so that, unusually among parish churches of this period, it has one chancel arch in front of another. The rest of the early fifteenth century rebuilding comprises the nave, the Lady Chapel to the south, south porch, and west tower. Later in the Middle Ages a Perpendicular Gothic east window was inserted in the chancel. In 1845 the chancel was rebuilt in its present apsidal form on the original Norman foundations to designs by George Gilbert Scott. In 1848 the Perpendicular Gothic east window was removed and re-used to form sedilia.


In 1879 a vestry and organ chamber were added, and in 1880 the present organ by Charles Martin of Oxford was installed. This instrument is particularly notable today, as it is in nearly original condition, with flat pedalboard, hitch rod swell mechanism, and the ability to hand pump the organ (which former Prime Minister Theresa May recalls having done while attending service as a child) all intact. The only changes to the organ since its installation have been the addition of an electric blower and a music rack light. In its present condition, the organ serves as an important historic example of English Victorian parish organbuilding.

The tower has three bells: James Keene of Woodstock cast the tenor bell in 1629, Mears & Stainbank of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry cast the treble bell in 1875, and the date and founder of the middle bell are unknown. There is also a smaller bell, now disused, that may have been cast by John Mitchell of Wokingham around 1493.


1232 Thomas de Barton

12— Robert la Warr

1273 Hugh de Williamescote

1307 Robert de Bladyngton

13— Johannes

1361 Hugh Wylbote de Wyllamescote

1369 Richard Swatlyne

1380 Richard Odam

14(68?) Richard Wood

1526 Peter Chawry

1543 Morgan Phillips

1561 John Harrison

1571 Edward Whytewyk

1581 Thomas Hancorne

1609 Robert Lloyd

1611 Walter Browne

1613 Lewis Bowen

1639 Edward Plante

1642 John King

1665 John Ellis

1666 Jonathan Edwards

1687 John Cudworth

1729 Robert Buswell

1760 Jeremiah Nicolson

1771 Thomas Warton (the notable poet)

1790 John Roberts

1821 Nicholas Marshall Hacker

1823 John Geoffry Browne

1877 Thomas Fawcett Burra

1886 Charles Lawrence Hawkins

1904 John Erasmas Philipps

1905 Julian Leslie Stewart

1909 Arthur Frederick Bellman

1921 F.M. Crapper

1923 W.G. Cruft

1926 W.C. Perry

1927 R.P. Norwood

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